
david-campbell avatar image
david-campbell asked

Cannot use MQTT to modify Input Current Limit

I am trying to programatically update the Input Current Limit of my Multiplus II. This can be set by logging onto the remote console of the device on (see screen grab).


So I publish the following MQTT message to my Multiplus II:

mosquitto_pub -h  -t 'W/my_serial_here/vebus/275/Ac/ActiveIn/CurrentLimit' -m '{“value”: 10}']

(Of course my_serial_here is really the long serial number for the inverter... C0619XXXXXXX).

Then this appears in MQTT Explorer under the W/... topic. However the actual current limit on the Victron does not change.

Here is the relevant section under MQTT explorer:


I have tried both enabling and disabling the Current limit overruled by remote setting in Victron Connect.

I have also tried all these commands:

mosquitto_pub -h  -t 'W/my_serial_here/vebus/275/Ac/ActiveIn/CurrentLimit' -m '{“value”: 6.0}'
mosquitto_pub -h  -t 'W/my_serial_here/vebus/275/Ac/In/CurrentLimit' -m '{“value”: 6.0}'
mosquitto_pub -h  -t 'W/my_serial_here/vebus/275/Ac/In/1/CurrentLimit' -m '{“value”: 6.0}'
mosquitto_pub -h  -t 'W/my_serial_here/vebus/275/Ac/In/2/CurrentLimit' -m '{“value”: 6.0}'

Here is how it looks in MQTT explorer after running those commands:


But none of this changes the set value of Input Current Limit that is configured in Victron Connect or set on the remote console.

I'm stuck. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

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3 Answers
elvis avatar image
elvis answered ·

That setting is locked on my system.

Either over ruled by remote is not checked or an assistant is blocking it.

Its only configurable on mine thru VEconfigure

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david-campbell avatar image
david-campbell answered ·

@Elvis Are you using a Multiplus II GX?

These threads seem to suggest that people are able to do this, so I'm not sure if it's a locked setting:

I'm wondering if there's anything else I'm missing?

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elvis avatar image
elvis answered ·

input-current-limit.pngThis is what I get when I try to modify.

Running an ESS system.

Firmware 2.90 ~14

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