
Tommy Hartvig avatar image
Tommy Hartvig asked

Charger Disabled when no house battery is connected?

I am just wondering if I have to put my Orion-Tr Smart DC-DC 12v/12-18 in Charger Disabled mode when no house battery is connected or can i just leavening on as normal?

I could not find anything under

8.3.2. Charger Mode - Battery Settings • Charger enabled

And if I switch the Charger Enabled off is say this mode should only be used for mentainence

orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

In charger mode, it's a charger. It needs battery voltage to determine what to do.

If you want to have the charger provide 12V in the absence of a battery, switch to power supply mode.

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Tommy Hartvig avatar image
Tommy Hartvig answered ·

Thanks mate but I don't need it as a power supply when my house battery box is out of the car just want to know if I should just leave it as is or disable charging as described in 8.3.2. Charger Mode - Battery Settings • Charger enabled

Even if it say only for mentainence use?

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