
weedfan avatar image
weedfan asked

12/24v 15a dc-dc charger sparks connecting negative output wire

i hav the 12/24v 15a dc-dc charger. i fried the freakin thing lol. not sure how. i go to conect the last wire the negative output wire n it jus starts sparkin n smokin like crazy. it freaked me out. so i tried again same thing hapened. i gav up im scared to mess wit it again. is ther a waranty for this?

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Normally the fuse at either battery would blow at the sparkin' connection phase.

Take photo's of your installation, contact your supplier, and give them the photos and a detailed description of your install.

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