
brando avatar image
brando asked

Is joining lifepo4 to AGM safe with Orion-Tr Smart? ....AUX Jump start?...

Am I essentially connecting my 2 Lifepo4 BattleBorn batteries to my starting AGM battery when using the Orion-Tr Smart? Is mixing these two different battery chemistries safe to do? (I have a shared ground)

Two part question...

My RV has an emergency "Join" feature that momentarily joins my house batteries to my engine AGM starter battery for a jump start in case it goes dead. Now that I'm installing BattleBorn batteries as my house batteries is this "join" feature still safe to do?

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

1 This is what the Orion is designed to do. But it's a charger, not a joiner. Make sure it is properly configured for the lithium's before connecting them.

2 Not sure. Guess OK, but... You shouldn't need it if you operate correctly.

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brando avatar image brando commented ·
Thank you for the reply. I guess I need to know after I hook all of this up....if I have a switch on my dash that means "Jump in emergency" OR "BOOM!" .
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