
david-treiber avatar image
david-treiber asked

Will the Orion-Tr Smart DC-DC Charger in Power Supply mode also function as a charger?

In Victron Connect when Function is set to Power Supply there is a Charger enabled toggle. If this is left on will the unit act as a power supply when a load is connected but also act as a charger if a battery is connected? Will the Charger settings continue to be what was set up if the Function was set to Charger? If I disable the Input voltage lock-out will I be able to power devices with the engine off?


orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Trying to find out for you.

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david-treiber avatar image david-treiber commented ·
Thank you.
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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

In power supply mode it is a power supply with a constant output voltage of 12V (or whatever you you set it to). If you connect a battery with a voltage lower than the voltage of the Orion the battery will be changed up to the voltage of the Orion.

In charger mode it is a charger with a charging algorithm.

The Orion can't switch between the modes automatically.

With the "Input voltage lock-out" disabled the Orion should be always on.

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david-treiber avatar image david-treiber commented ·

Thank you for the explaination. That is also how I thought the Orion functioned in Power Supply mode which is why I was surprised to see the "Charger enabled" toggle switch in Victron Connect. It seems like there would be no need for that toggle switch if in Power Supply mode the Orion simply pushed out a constant voltage. Furthermore, in the Orion manual the image in section 8.3.3 does not show the "Charger enabled" toggle switch.

Do you know what the purpose of this toggle switch is?


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