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jpcirig asked

connect Orion Smart to lithium start battery

I’ve recently upgraded the 4 Group 27 lead-acid batteries on my boat (two per engine - which double as start and house batteries) to 4 dual purpose lithium ion deep-cycle/start batteries (1050CCA/135AH). Currently, one ProMariner 60 charges all 4 batteries. My battery supplier sold me two Orion-Tr Smart 12/12-18 chargers to charge each bank of Lithium batteries. However, I didn’t see a diagram in the instructions or online which didn’t include a dedicated start battery in addition to the lithium battery. How would I wire my two Orion-Tr Smart chargers to charge each bank if there isn’t a start battery in the system? Or, is there a different route I should consider? 18 amps for each bank seems low when considering that I had 60 amps from the Pro Mariner.

Thank you very much for any advice you might offer.

orion-tr smart
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