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jeanphi500 asked

Wrong values on energy fields (AcIn1ToInverter and InverterToAcIn1) using MQTT?

I would like to dump energy values to and from the battery/inverter on a 5 min interval.
I wrote a small script that does subscribe to the following MQTT notifications: vebus/275/Energy/InverterToAcIn1 and vebus/275/Energy/AcIn1ToInverter
Notifications are coming in but the values seem incorrect.
In a night of discharge the value InverterToAcIn1 only moved about 0.08kWh. While the real number should be around 4kWh.
I could monitor the power and integrate it over time but here I only check the notification every 5 min (I don't need more granularity than that).. Reading current power will require my script to stay always alive.. So using the energy field was a better option in my opinion.

Do I misinterpret the field maybe?

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