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ekarlson asked

Unable to get Orion Tr Smart to operate consistently with 2019 Highlander

Recently installed an Orion Tr Smart DC-DC converter/charger in my trailer. I am noticing that when towing with my 2019 Highlander that the converter toggles on and off repeatedly. What happens is that the input voltage rises to about 13.8v, the converter turns on, the input voltage drops to about 10v, the converter turns off, the input voltage rises to about13.8v again and the entire cycle repeats every 30 to 45 seconds. I've been unable to find a way to get the converter to stay on and consequently it is not actually supplying much power to the trailer while towing (the idea was that it would combine with the PV's to help power the fridge, but it is not contributing much). I've tried playing with the settings a bit but I've not found a solution to this yet.

orion-tr smart
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

What happens is that the input voltage rises to about 13.8v, the converter turns on, the input voltage drops to about 10v, the converter turns off, the input voltage rises to about13.8v again and the entire cycle repeats every 30 to 45 seconds.

This sounds like a problem with voltage drop under load. (as the b2b try's to charge the battery)

Please check your wiring is up to spec.

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