
matwill avatar image
matwill asked

Orion Isolated or Non Isolated based on current boat system


Currently my house and start batteries have a VSR - from the house to the start - both batteries are connected via the negative poles which is then grounded to the boats engine/prop.

I'm switching to a Lead start and Lithium house, does this mean I should use a non-isolated orion dc to dc charger and continue to connect the negative poles?

Could I use an isolated charger in the new situation and if so how would I connect the 2 batteries so they still share a common ground - or is this a waste of money and time.

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·


On a leisure boat, the starter battery and the service battery usually share the same ground. So you would be fine with the non-isolated Orion smart.

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