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jeanphi500 asked

Any solution for ESS in 2x230V without neutral?

OK I know this question has already been asked but the answers left me wondering..

I live in Belgium and I have a single phase grid connection made of 2 wires from a delta transformer.
Meaning I have 230V between phases and 115 between any phase and the ground.
There is no neutral.

I read several topics about it, some saying it will not work (at all), others saying it actually (and surprisingly) does.

Some mention that it is needed to disable the ground relay.
But they also say the ESS won't work because the check on the ground-neutral connection will fail.

So what is the final answer?

I would find it a pitty that this could not be supported by any of the products from Victron. Inverter companies like SMA had the same issue 10 years ago and updated their firmware accordingly.. Can Victron do the same?


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