
uffej avatar image
uffej asked

Charging my motorhome starter battery


I have a question about charging my motorhome starter battery and my auxillary cabin battery via solar cells.

I use Victron MPPT 75 -15 charge controller and the plan is to connect Orion-TR Smart 12 | 12 - 20 to charge the starter battery.

I enclose a drawing of my plan for this .......

Comments are welcome if it is possible to connect the components according to the drawing

Victron charging.pdf

orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
pau1phi11ips avatar image
pau1phi11ips answered ·

Should work fine. I'm looking to do something similar but will likely go with a I only want it as a backup to be able to charge the starter from the aux battery and it's a lot cheaper than the battery to battery charger (you obviously need an inverter too tho)

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

In principle, should work.

Capacity of the Orion is higher that the charge controller. That means the house battery may end up supplying the difference to charge the starter battery. But I'd imagine that your expectation is that the starter battery will spend most of the time fully charged and only take a small current. Unless you have other plans for it later, a smaller Orion would save a few pennies.

You may have to adjust the settings in the Orion to get this working.

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