
stephenknudsen avatar image
stephenknudsen asked

Orion-TR Smart - Ignition Switch Wiring

I only want the Orion to charge when the ignition switch is ON but unfortunately, I find the diagrams in the manual a little confusing. Would someone please confirm that all I have to do is wire ignition power to the H-pin, connect nothing to the L-pin and disable "engine shutdown detection" in the app?

orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Yes, as long as you have permanent connections on the input and output side.

But check your charging parameters in the charger. You probably don't want to charge through the Orion until you have charging voltage on the starter battery.

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tom-dv avatar image
tom-dv answered ·

It works fine with me. From ignition to H-pin and nothing to the L-pin. I left "engine shutdown detection" active. Just to make sure my startbattery won't drain when contact is switched on without the engine running.

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