
takamine avatar image
takamine asked

The SmartOrion and the SmartMppt are both chargers ...

Why is there no history in the Orion app like it is in the SmartMppt app ?

Is there someone of the staff who can give an answer to this question ?

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
Eric M. avatar image
Eric M. answered ·

The "Smart" Orion is only 'smart' in that allows you to access it via bluetooth. There currently no information provided by the device except for the charge state bulk/absorption etc. It's widely regarded as a pretty lame product for that reason, and many of us have been waiting years for a Victron option with real smart monitoring/networking capabilities that would match their other 'smart' products.

There is no networking capabilities or even a port to monitor that stuff, you kind of have to set it up and just trust, or watch its production via the main SOC battery shunt and some mental math.

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