
Rene Mullie avatar image
Rene Mullie asked

IgnoreAcIn1 on dBus / MQTT writable?

I have quite some experience with integrating dBus over MQTT to other controllers; for example OpenHab IoT controller.

Now I want to be able to control the IgnoreAcIn1 over MQTT.

I try to write to: W/{vrmid}/vebus/276/Ac/State/IgnoreAcIn1 value: {"value": 1}

I can see the value briefly changes to 1, but is immediately updated by the system back to 0. Also in UI in Cerbo the in the menu the option "AC input 1 ignored" never changes.

Is this parameter NOT writable over Dbus perhaps? Also in Cerbo UI this parameter can not be changed so I think this is not possible (yet?)....


If I check the MODbus TCP register list it states:

com.victronenergy.vebus AC input 1 ignored 69 uint16 1 0 to 65535 /Ac/State/IgnoreAcIn1 no 0=AC input not ignored;1=AC input ignored

So from this it can be concluded that this value is NOT writable...correct?


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Ovidiu Stan avatar image Ovidiu Stan commented ·
Have you managed to find a way to do it ? I want to do the same thing, preferably in Node-Red.
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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas Ovidiu Stan commented ·
This is writeable thru mqtt now but it requires firmware update. If I remember correctly, I believe there is more than one register simply reports the ignore ac input status, the other one sets it.
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2 Answers
elvis avatar image
elvis answered ·

It would seem that its only changeable via assistants.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

/Ac/State/IgnoreAcIn1 is READ ONLY!

You need to access /Ac/Control/IgnoreAcIn1 which is WRITE ONLY.

Note that /Ac/Control/IgnoreAcIn1 is used by the GX device to allow generator warm-up and cool-down periods. It sets the parameter to 1 at the beginning of warm-up and cool-down periods and sets it back to 0 at the end of these periods.

If you write to /Ac/Control/IgnoreAcIn1, the GX device's generator logic will override your ignore AC logic.

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