
yannick avatar image
yannick asked

ESS negative grid setpoint overload

I have a Multiplus-ii 24/3000 which is running ESS. The ac-in is connected to a 3phase system of quattros and I use the multi to use a 24V lithium battery that I still have to feed into 1 phase of the 3 phase system.

When I feed in, I set a negative grid value of 1500W. Way below the inverter max. But sometimes the multi trips in overload. Any idea what causes this? Sometimes it happens 3 of 4 times a day and then not for weeks. Room temperature is stable at around 10degrees C.

By the way, what is the maximum continuous backfeed a multi 3000 can provide?

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1 Answer
yannick avatar image
yannick answered ·

@Alexandra I use the grid setpoint with external control. The multi has only a connection to AC-in and DC. There is nothing on the ac-out. The external control is used to charge the battery in case of surplus energy. Is there is energy shortage the multi is given command to discharge the battery and feed back to the AC in

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Not a setup I have personally tried. I was thinking maybe LOM detection could be causing it? Not sure if you had a grid code or anything set up?

Or does the overload happen when the directions are switching?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Another thought, the system is overloading in the feedback as the load it is offsetting is not there to take up the energy?
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