
andrieslootslbsa avatar image
andrieslootslbsa asked

Adding LBSA as a supported battery on Victron

How do we go about having our LBSA (Lithium BAtteries SA) battery reviewed and approved in order to be added to the list of Victron-supported batteries?

We have a large number of customers using and wanting to use Victron systems with our batteries.
Our batteries do currently have CANbus communication with the Victron systems.

Below are 2 links to existing systems running with our batteries.

48v battery
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

This isn't something the community can help with. Suggest you contact the local regional Victron sales manager and use official channels.

It will require a bit more than a pointer to a VRM page, have you got a test environment for starters?

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andrieslootslbsa avatar image andrieslootslbsa commented ·
We got in touch with Gerrit locally and he advised that this would be the way to get it started.

If you have anyone in Gauteng SA you can recommend or know of that could assist it would be appreciated.

We have done multiple tests and would be able to set up a test environment.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ andrieslootslbsa commented ·

Perhaps post this in the modifications section and tag @mvader (Victron Energy) .

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