
garyw avatar image
garyw asked

Orion DC DC fluctuating input voltage

Just installed a new Orion 30 amp and set it up for auto detect engine running. Doesn’t work, in the app the input voltage is fluctuating massively between 2 and 14 volts all the time. Multimeter shows it’s at 13.8 with engine running and should be charging. Any thoughts ? It fitted an Orion before but I have a lot of Victron in a few vans..

orion-tr smart
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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ commented ·

Where about are you probing with the Multimeter when you get the 13.8V reading?

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garyw avatar image garyw commented ·

On the vehicle battery connection on the Orion and to chassis ground.

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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

If the input side of the Orion fluctuates so much, there's probably a wiring fault.

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