
fiox89 avatar image
fiox89 asked

Orion Smart shows wrong input voltage in Victron Connect

I just powered my new dc-dc Victron 12-12-30 (non-isolated). I measured the voltage on the IN and GND terminals, and this is 12.5V (correct, like my engine battery), however the Victron Connect app shows me an input voltage of 13,5V, which is obviously incorrect (?).Is there a plausible reason for this? note that I have not connected the service battery at the moment, so the Victron is disconnected from loads. Could this be the reason?

Note: the output seems to work and the dc-dc switches off when I turn off the engine and it reaches the set voltage (but only taking into account the voltage difference between the real voltage and the one he read)


orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Sorry, something is wrong with that Orion, it should read correct. Unfortunately there is no way to adjust this.
Please contact your dealer for a replacement.

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wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

So we have two measuring devices which are in conflict. We need to know which one is wrong so that we can proceed.
You'll need to have another multimeter to mediate. Measure with another tester, then we can be sure if the Orion is wrong or that tester is wrong.

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fiox89 avatar image fiox89 commented ·

I have used 2 different multimeters and they show the same voltage around 12,3V. The Victron has a different reading. Please check attached photos here. Is there anything I can do?20220203-210043.jpg

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