
richallen78633 avatar image
richallen78633 asked

Connect golf cart to house backup system?

I want to use an Orion-TR DC-DC Charger to use my 48V Golf cart (lead-acid) as a secondary backup to my AGM 24V array that powers my house battery backup system. How stupid is this?

orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

Well it depends on how much you love the golf cart and what your situation is?

Just check the c rating of the batteries and buy the orion to match the current draw of the pack and the current to the other pack.

And make sure it is setup not to kill them. With a way to switch it off otherwise.

You can check out settings in the demo part of victron connect.

Also have a way to charge up the pack as soon as possible as they dont like sitting discharged, sulphation being the killer of lead based batteries.

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bbmz avatar image
bbmz answered ·

Be aware that the orion (to my knowledge) is only a uni-directional charger. It can power your AGM batteries from the golf-cart, but it will not be able to charge your golf cart.

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