
janj avatar image
janj asked

Orion DC DC Charger; Isolated or non-isolated ?

My motorhome got a starter battery and a leisure batteri,

with a common negative. And for that reason a non-isolated DC DC charger would be my first choise.

How ever; I can not see any reason I should not use a isolated DC DC Charger.

Something I dont get?

Yes, if my two batteries was totally separated both in positiv and negative side,

I would not mix them two. For sure.

But for the typical motorhome i does not matter. Or?


orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @JanJ,

no problem in using a isolated Orion Tr smart together with common negative. It's a 'must" with isolated grounds and a 'can' with common ground.

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spaner avatar image
spaner answered ·

I have same question - I want to run just a single positive cable from my starter/vehicle battery back to two parrallel isolated orions which connect to my RV/leisure batteries - I would then just run a ground/negative form each of the isolated orions to a common ground stud. I assume I doneed to do any joining of the negatives inside the orions itself. (I purchased isolated orions but dont intend to use them that way.

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Yes, that's no problem. Just make sure they all have the same ground.

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