
stevomyatt avatar image
stevomyatt asked

Redundancy Module and MPPT Controllers

Hi All,

I'm looking to use a redundancy module to decouple two parallel MPPT modules (100/20A 48V). The idea being that if one has a short circuit on it's output, the battery protection will not trip and the other parallel MPPT will not supply the short and as such will be unaffected and continue to operate.

Has anyone had experience with this setup? I'm concerned that the MPPTs won't be able to measure the battery voltage due to the diodes in the redundancy module and therefore not operate?

Interested to know thoughts!


mppt charging
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1 Answer
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

KISS. You have found a solution to a problem that does not exist.

Normal installation would be to have each mppt individually fused. If a mppt goes kaput, it's fuse would blow, and the remaining mppt's would continue to operate.

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