
Mark Maritz avatar image
Mark Maritz asked

Add N/XXXXXXX/solarcharger/280/Pv/I (Amps) to MQTT

Can you add Amps for the Solar Charge PV section of MQTT?

eg: N/XXXXXX/solarcharger/280/Pv/I

It displays in Victron Connect and VRM but no value is available in MQTT.



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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Mark Maritz,

AFAIK this path has been removed because it can be calculated from Power and Voltage.
It's somewhere in the change logs of Venus OS. So depending on what firmware version you have installed on your GX device you might not get this value anymore.

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