
yep avatar image
yep asked

How can I remove the weather widget in the VRM? Thanks!

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jimboisnotavailable avatar image jimboisnotavailable commented ·
Go to VRM settings. Click location. Click reset. Confirm reset. Do not re-add your location. Weather widget disappeared. Worked for me anyway.
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4 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Usually it only appears on the dashboard after you have set the location so it can use local weather reports. I don't see a way to remove location, havent really tried seriously though.

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yep avatar image
yep answered ·

Thanks Alexandra!

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yep avatar image
yep answered ·

May be Victron has a solution.

We'll see.

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yep avatar image
yep answered ·

Victron Forum: Many questions, little answers.

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