
clueless avatar image
clueless asked

Can't get out of bulk phase

I am a neophyte and totally non-technical. We have a camper that has 210w solar, two 200 Ah, 6v AGM batteries in series with 75/15 MPPT Smart Solar controller. We recently had a Smart Shunt 500A/50mV installed. The smart shunt has never been synchronized because I have never been able to get the batteries fully charged/ into float. During our first trip out for four days, each day was sunny generating between 420-540 w/h per day. We consumed between 10 w/h to 30 w/h per day. Discharged energy has been 1.5 kWh while charged energy has been 3.7kwh. The v max that I have achieved for the batteries has been 13.73 while v min has been 12.0 v. The V max has increased from 12.81v on day one to 13.73v on our last day. We have never left bulk charging during the entire trip. I'm not sure if I'm even giving the proper information for anybody to help me. If anyone can help me understand what I need to do it would be greatly appreciated. Please answer so a third graders could understand would be helpful.

Clueless in Salt Lake

mppt charging
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1 Answer
Elimac avatar image
Elimac answered ·

You need more solar pannel power.

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell commented ·
With lead acid batteries if you do not fully recharge them regularly they will fail much more quickly than expected. It sounds like you were charging more than you were using so things were improving and after more days may well get closer to fully charged, the batteries must have been quite discharged on Day 1. As said above another 210W panel and second controller would do you well.
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clueless avatar image clueless commented ·
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