
andre-de-lange avatar image
andre-de-lange asked

MPPT 250/100 not balancing

1ba134ed-a13e-4bcb-87b5-6eaaf5b10d4a.pngHi I have added a new 250 100 ve can mppt to an existing installation of another 2x 250 100. All communicate via gerbo gx with ve direct. When batteries are fully charged during the day and demand from usage is low (around 4000 watts) only the lastly installed mppt is producing power. The rest goes to zero. All have the exact facing pannel strings. Should the charging load not be balanced between al three. Now I end up with one completely hot charger and 2 cold ones.

Please see pictures


MPPT SmartSolar
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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
Are all running the same firmware?
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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

There is load balancing algorithm for mppt's.

It is quite normal for one to carry most the load or for an uneven split when full power is not required.

It will also vary from day to day.

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Ingo avatar image
Ingo answered ·

Perhaps you are talking about this:

There is also a very old blog post from 2013 about this but the one thing that strikes me is that it only mentions VE.CAN interfaces.

Edit: But I think it's for non-ESS controlled MPPTs.

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