
Christopher A. Lindner avatar image
Christopher A. Lindner asked

Multiplus 12/3000/230/120/50 AC out 2, use of load sensing to control K2 relay

I am currently using AC out 2 to power the RV water heating system, is it possible to control the K2 relay with Assistants to sense the output load on AC out 2 only. I want to be able to control a warning light when the hot water heater is in use so I know if the Generator is no longer needed.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
mrhappy avatar image
mrhappy answered ·

I believe the output load sense capability of the Multiplus is measuring total output and does not distinguish between the two AC outputs.

One easy way to do what you want, if I understand you correctly, is to just connect a light in parallell with the water heater. It will obviously be on only when the water heater is on.

2 |3000

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