
nrickert avatar image
nrickert asked

Tail current setting with multiple MPPT and BMV

I have two MPPT 75/15, a BMV 712 smart and a smart battery sense all connected via networking. The lead MPPT shows Voltage/Current reception from the BMV and Temperatur Value from the battery sense. I use the tailcurrent setting (with adaptive time) in the MPPT for the switch over from absorption to float. Now the question: if I enter 2,5A as tail current in the settings of each MPPT does the switch from absorption to float happens when the BMV shows 2.5A or at 5A?

mppt charging
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1 Answer
gyzko avatar image
gyzko answered ·

There are additional details about "Synchronized charging" when using a "VE.Smart Network" in this discussion thread.

Only the charging profile of the master charger (i.e. lead MPPT) is taken in account.

So, if you configure 2.5A on both MPPTs, it will be 2.5A no matter which MPPT is the master.

For sake of explanation ONLY (and please DON'T do that for real), if you configure MPPT "A" to 2.5A and MPPT "B" to 3.0, then "tail current" of the system will change between 2.5A and 3.0A in function of which MPPT is elected as master at the begining of the day.



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