
rene-katier avatar image
rene-katier suggested

Car Charging with Victron Integration.

Charging with Surplus Energy
- Utilize green energy surpluses to charge electric vehicles
- Drivers can enjoy free charging annually by simply plugging in their cars during surplus periods.

Intelligent Charging System

- Users can set their departure time and required kilometers, ensuring a full battery.
- The system optimizes charging schedules to take advantage of the lowest hourly rates and utilizes surplus energy for free charging, offering substantial savings compared to dynamic rates alone.

Ik blijf een Nederlander he. :-)

dynamic essev chargerev charger nsDESS
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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) commented
2 |3000

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rene-katier avatar image
rene-katier commented

Coowl, can u tell me where i can put the departure time and required kilometers?

2 |3000

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