
h2o avatar image
h2o asked

Orion TR Smart 12/12/18 isolated help

Good afternoon guys I have installed an Orion tr smart charger on Sunday to a new 2020 Citroen Berlingo van however I’m having problems with it staying on it comes on for 30 seconds or a minute or 2 at the most then turns off.
I have a 75amp Avon leisure battery and the dealer where it was purchased from he has advised me to use the preset program victron deep cycle 2 however that program has the engine detection mode set at 14v I believe so it’s not kicking in or when it dose it goes off after a very short time.

Could you please advise me on how to set up the unit.

orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
md-canada avatar image
md-canada answered ·

Can you post your setting screens?

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h2o avatar image h2o commented ·

Yeah sure here you go...



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md-canada avatar image
md-canada answered ·

Do you know how much current is drawn during the 30 seconds that it is on? I assume that the main screen says something about the charger is disabled due to engine shutdown detection? Have you tried at a higher shutdown voltage setting?

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