
pepvan avatar image
pepvan asked

dual installation 12V and 24V negative busbar

Hi all

If I have two lines, 12V and 24V, can I connect both to the same negative busbar?
if the answer is yes, can that be grounded, must be grounded or some other answer?

many thanks in advance

MPPT ControllersGrounding
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1 Answer
dazey77 avatar image
dazey77 answered ·

Yes, no reason why you can't use a common ground but you don't have to either (unless you expect to use both in the same circuit and expect them to be relative to each other). You can also tie it to ground if you wish, but I would want a reason to do it (like using a vehicle earth as a return path). I would see no reason to ground it in a building and you could only cause complications.

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