
chippy-145 avatar image
chippy-145 asked

100 amp grid supply and zappy car charger using multiplus II 48 volt 5000

I assume using a zappie charger 7k would overload a multiplus II 48 volt and if wired for full ess where all grid power goes through the inverter and could damage the inverter or does the inverter switch through to provide the excess from the grid above the capeability of the inverter or would it be necessary to wire the inverter as a parralell system

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2 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @chippy 145

In an ESS system the Multi is smart about not overloading itself.

It will provide as much as it can, and then the rest from the grid (from the AC input, through the transfer switch, to the AC output).

The AC transfer switch is then the limitation - this is the last number in the model so for example:

MultiPlus-II 48/5000/70-50

is 48V / 5000 VA / 70 A charger - 50A transfer switch.

50A x Grid voltage ~230V = 11,500 VA (from grid)

11,500 VA (from grid) + 5000 VA (from inverter) = 16,500 VA total possible load on the AC output.

It would be possible to overload the inverter if you tried to run this same load when the grid is in an outage. But even then, you will not do damage to the inverter, just cause a complete shutdown to the system (and all the connected loads).

It is designed to overload safely. Though obviously don't keep doing it repeatedly :)

In my house, I have 2 x 3 kVA MultiPlus-II's in an ESS, and it would be easily possible to overload them by turning on all the appliances (especially in the kitchen), but it never happens. When I use more than the MultiPlus can provide, either my AC PV inverter provides some extra, or it comes from the grid through the Multi.

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chippy-145 avatar image
chippy-145 answered ·

Thankyou Guy i feel i will include the zappie charger feed in the normal load supply and not in the essential load suppy this should alleviate the chance of the multiplus II 48volt 5000 ever being put in excessive load conditions.

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