
the-doon avatar image
the-doon asked

Access to Remote Console through VRM - Monitor only user

I have seen that the Remote Console screen isn’t visible for monitor only users over the Internet. Is there any chance this can be changed as this is in my opinion the only screen that 90% of monitor only users would want to see.

remote console
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2 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi, no sorry. Through remote console many settings can be changed.

Thats why it is how it is.

But we’re coming with a new view on vrm just like the system overview on remote console. I dont know when yet - but at least you know its coming some day :-)

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the-doon avatar image
the-doon answered ·

Thank you mvader. I locked myself out of my Easysolar-II last week thinking I didn’t need to have full control but I’m now missing the remote console. Is there a way of getting my status back to full control again other than annoying the supplier who has full control?

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