
lwi2858 avatar image
lwi2858 asked

MPPT 75/10 on sailboat

I have a small sailboat with two Flooded lead battery banks: 220 AH house bank and a dedicated start battery, currently charged by the diesel alternator through a BlueSeas Battery Link ACR. I purchased a 30w solar panel and a victron MPPT 75/10 controller to charge the batteries while on a mooring. I do not understand the PV connection. There will be no other solar panels. Hopefully I will not have a 5 volt difference between the panel and the battery voltage.

Did I purchase the wrong controller?

How do I connect the panel to the controller to the battery without using the PV connections?


MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi Iwi. If your panel has a typical Voc of 19V or more, then your 75/10 will be fine. Presuming 12V batts of course.

Ignore the 'LOAD' terminals. Wire the panel into the 'PV' terminals. If the panel has a built-in controller that's another story.

If you want it to maintain both batts like your alternator does, wire the 2x 'BATT' terminals to the same place as the alternator wires go.

I may be misreading this, because I don't follow your reluctance to use the 'pv connections'.

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