
charriso1 avatar image
charriso1 asked

Adding more panels to 100/50 controller

I would like to add a couple more panels to my solar array (currenty 4 100 watt panels for a total of 6 100 watt panels) attached to a 100/50 charge controller. From the controller side would setting the "Charger enabled" to "off" be the only step necessary to avoid damaging controller and battery bank? Also, when set back to "on" would the controller recognize the additional panels or would I need to reboot it (disconnect batteries and panels)?

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

I would disconnect the wires from the PV input to the MPPT before carrying out any work on the array. Once you are done, you can re-connect the wires and the controller will not require any configuration. As long as the array is going to remain less than 100Voc then it will simply make more power.
Adhere to the usual high Voltage precautions you need to take when working on the array.

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