
sanderson avatar image
sanderson asked

Cannot communicate with Victron using MQTT -- versioning issue?

I've got a Victron in the field that went offline for a bit (presumably a connectivity issue as we had a "no data" alarm for 4 days) and when it came back on we were no longer able to read/write to it via MQTT.

I'm not sure what version it was running before it went offline, but now it's running v2.23. Looking at our other systems that still work, they're running v2.42. If it's running 2.23 is it still able to use the new broker paradigm or is there a disconnect between wanting to use the old format vs the new?

EDIT: it turns out that I can access it using the old broker ( What FW version is the cutoff for using the new broker structure? Is that v2.40?

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1 Answer
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @sanderson

I've moved your question to the modifications space.

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