
Robin avatar image
Robin asked

linking different sized smart solar mppt together

can i link a smart solar 100/50 to a 150/85 mppt

what cabling do i need

is there any literature on doing so

thanks in advance

MPPT Controllers
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3 Answers
graham avatar image
graham answered ·

@Robin I take you mean at their outputs, the feed to the batteries. Yes you can link the as you can any charging source.

Cable wise it is dependent on the distance to the batteries and max current assuming 50A and 85A and cable runs of lets say 2 metres.

For the 50A I would use 35mmsq which would give 0.50% voltdrop at 30A

For the 85A I would use 60mmsq which would give 0.49% voltdrop at 50A

The shorter the cable run the better if you tag me and let me know the cable run distance I will calculate the cables I would use for you

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Robin avatar image
Robin answered ·

@Graham hi thanks for input. I was under the impression that the two mppt where linked some how so that they could talk to each other.

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graham avatar image
graham answered ·

@Robin They don't need to talk to each other in the sense of VE bus etc as they sense what is going on via the voltages on the charging line and through the important charging period Bulk absorption work together. When the voltage rises one or the other will back off and leave the other finishing the charge. If it is a Lithium system using Victron VE Bus etc yes they can be controlled by the Bus, but never found it needed as far as charge levels etc are concerned. Hope that helps

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