
john2019 avatar image
john2019 asked

Modbus Reading mutiplus

Hi, All

I use a MK3 cable to connect with mutiplus. I downloaded two softwares ModScan and Modbus poll and try to read 04 input register. I set slave unit ID is 246 (from CCGX) address is from 15 to 20 (not sure correct) length is 6... baud rate 9600 , word length 8 , no parity and close bit 1....... But can not get response from mutiplus. Any suggestion for software and settings to read infor from mutiplus or CCgx. Many thanks

Modbus TCP
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1 Answer
Ole Saether avatar image
Ole Saether answered ·

As far as I know, the Multuplus does not support Modbus over the MK3 dongle. You need to connect the Multiplus to the CCGX with a VE.Bus cable and then you can access it over ModbusTCP via the CCGX. See the CCGX manual on how to connect them together:

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