
freddyuk avatar image
freddyuk asked

ESS locked at 100% SOC

System is 5kwp solar into Quattro AC coupled with energy meter/ccgx and Aquion batteries.

Using Battery life and keep charged options so some charge going into batts in winter.

Now the SOC is up to 100% and the battery voltage is 47vdc. So no more charging as the system sees 100% SOC. How to re set the SOC "? I have "re set system" but nothing changes. If I load the system with eg. kettle it draws power from grid not the batteries so I cannot reduce the SOC reading manually. I am stuck!
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2 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi, when having Keep batteries charge selected; the system doesn’t use SOC to see if a battery needs charge. It charges based on voltage. So something else must be at hand. With Keep Batteries Charged mode; the inverter/charger (Multi or Quattro) should be charging. Check its state (bulk, absorption). Check what battery voltage it reports; check that it has AC/in.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Lastly; since this is Aquion; you might want to contact an Aquion specialist; at Victron we dont know much about those batteries.

And I dont think anyone here on the community does either (welcome to prove me wrong people! ;o)

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Andrew Burnett avatar image
Andrew Burnett answered ·

If the keep charged option is on, does this not mean it only uses the charge in the batteries if the grid fails?

If you want to use the the charge in the cells and make sure they batteries are kept at a healthy state in the winter use the Optimised (with battery life) setting. This dynamically changes the SOC limit based on the charge the solar system charged the batteries in the previous days.

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Related Resources

What is ESS training video

ESS Quick Installation Guide

ESS design and installation manual

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