
frantiseksobotka avatar image
frantiseksobotka asked

Is it already possible to use DESS

Hello, I followed all the DESS development here, but last 1,5 month I hadn´t time to follow this forum too much.

I checked briefly today, but I was not able to find any marks for improvements? Or is DESS still at the state which I call Alpha testing version, it means just wasting money by stupid grid feeds in-out?

Is there someone that can already share with us good LL with DESS?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
I dont have any grid meter integration but the ability to choose when I charge my battery has been working quite fine.
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I turn it on occasionally for testing reasons and it then only makes stupid decisions unfortunately.
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1 Answer
sarowe avatar image
sarowe answered ·

Ich hatte es einige Wochen deaktiviert nachdem mich die Verbrauchsprognose zur Verzweiflung gebracht hatte. Jetzt läuft es seit einer Woche wieder ohne eine finale Beurteilung zu treffen, es gibt einige Verbesserungen.

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Dynamic ESS - manual

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