
bara avatar image
bara asked

API in local machine to determine the charge of battery in percentage of device.


I want using the interface MK3-USB (VE bus to USB) to connect a multiplus (24I500I10) periphéral. I want to compute the charge of battery in percentage using an API in a local machine (kiosk) without network (airoport constraint).

It exists the VRM API but the problem is the impossibility to connect a remote server using the victron-connect application.

In an other side, I found this document ( that describe the interfacing with VE-but product MK2-protocol. In this case, we must use commands to get the device information. Is there a command th get the charge of battery in percentage?

Is there an api (java, c, ... etc) to compute these information ?

Thank you in advance.

Best Regards,

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


There are white papers on interfacing with Victron products. You will need to browse them to see if there is any thing you can use.

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1 Answer
bara avatar image
bara answered ·


Thank you Alxendra for your response.

Question 1: do you have idea how to use the MK2-Protocol (the commands) to compute the charge of battery?

Question 2: I suppose that we can the charge of battery with modbus-tcp feature. Do you have examples to compute the data (the charge of battery or volting, .. ect) from the multiplus periphéral?

Thank you in advance.

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