
Tama avatar image
Tama asked

Victron multiplus 70,3000 charge amps

I have a multiplus 70 3000 with 320ah batterys at 24v and the absorb voltage is set to tail at 2a,

When on the gennerator imput it seems to keep charging at 9a continuously and never tails out to click over to float

Although it seems to go on float when charging thtough pv

Is this normal or how long should i be running the generator when its doing this

Batterys are marathon l2v320

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2 Answers
Sten avatar image
Sten answered ·

Your tail current is set to low. When charging with pv there will be moments where the tail current Will be met, so your solar charger will go to float.

When you now your battery is fully charged with your generator note the current still going to the battery and set the tail current a litle higher. Then your charger will go to float.

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


Multiplus doesn't have a 'Tail' function to terminate Absorb. Where are you setting this?

Presuming Pb batteries, and depending on their condition, 9A into 320Ah at Abs V indicates they're pretty much full already.

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