
adeoar avatar image
adeoar asked

Problem with Orion-Tr Smart dropping voltage on Starter battery while alternator is running

I've just installed an Orion-Tr Smart 12/12 30A Non-isolated on a boat - connected between the Lead Acid starter battery (itself connected to a Hitachi 80A alternator) and a Lithium house battery.
Once the engine is running, the Orion charges for a little while, then the starter battery voltage drops to 12V and the Orion stops charging until the starter battery voltage rises again.

My question is why is having the Orion running would drop the starter battery voltage to this extent. Is there something wrong with my wiring/fuses, or the alternator (possible as it does seem to be charging above 15V), or something else?

A DC clamp meter shows when the Orion is actually charging it's around 10-11A when engine is idling, and around 35A in neutral at higher revs

Below are photos of my positive connections (not shown is the negative from Orion going to Negative busbar) and a screen capture from VictronConnect showing the weird cycling of voltage on the starter battery



orion-tr smart
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6 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Measure the current coming from the alternator.

Over 15V is not so good for your starter battery.

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adeoar avatar image adeoar commented ·

I agree 15V is not good, but is that likely to be the only issue with this installation or is something else incorrect?

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ adeoar commented ·
It seems like the alternator doesn't deliver enough current.
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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Please post the Orion engine detect and battery settings as screen shots, also the Orion screen above when you say it's not charging.

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adeoar avatar image
adeoar answered ·

First image is the battery settings

Subsequent images are screenshots from the video above in chronological order showing the changes in output/input voltages and Orion status with the engine turned on

img-9880.png img-9881.png img-9882.png img-9883.png img-9884.png img-9885.png img-9886.png img-9887.png img-9888.png img-9889.png img-9890.png img-9891.png img-9892.png

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Bob K avatar image
Bob K answered ·

Please post the Engine Shutdown Detection settings screen and the Input Voltage Lockout settings screen.

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tstd avatar image
tstd answered ·

Did you solve this? I am having the same issue on a Land Cruiser. The voltage on the Orion line drops when the Orion turns on (only on the Orion feed), others lines from the battery and battery voltage stay constant.

If you reached a resolution please can you share. Was it an inadequate earth?


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Robert Brown avatar image
Robert Brown answered ·

I was/am having the same issue where the voltage would drop from a healthy/sufficient input of >14.2V to under 13V the second I connected the auxiliary battery to the output of the Orion Smart... this results in me never being able to charge my aux battery over ~13V which is extremely irritating and insufficient for a LiFePo4.

I thought it was an issue with the ground, as I had the non-isolated version of the smart I ordered an isolated version and the problem still persists. Growing desperate.

Would be extremely grateful for any help/input/insight on this issue.


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