
mgailly avatar image
mgailly asked

Can we use ESS and AC coupling to avoid loosibg production when grid volatge is too high?

Sufering from inverter stall due to overvoltage on the grid. Can we use ESS with AC coupling to store solar energy in battery while grid voltage is too high and discharge battery in the grid when grid has correct voltage?

ess discharging
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1 Answer
dognose avatar image
dognose answered ·

Yes, you can configure certain boundaries, when a "grid loss" should be detected, such as Over/ undervoltage or over/underfrequency.

In either case, the inverter then will switch to invertermode, isolate the grid and use the batteries / ac-coupled pv.

You just have to take care that the ac-coupled inverters support it, some inverters wont turn on, when not grid-connected.

Also mind the Faktor 1 rule, when using ac-coupled PV in offgrid situations.

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