
frenzy avatar image
frenzy asked

Orion -TR Smart 12/12-18 isolated


I have just fitted the above unit as a charger to charge a optima deep cycle battery for a bow thruster on a boat . It does not seem to be charging and also after reading some other posts it does not get hot or even warm. Any advise please on what I’m doing wrong. It’s connected as per the manual.


orion-tr smart
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8 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

First guess is it's not properly configured.

What is the input to the Orion?

Please post your battery settings, start up/engine detection settings.

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frenzy avatar image
frenzy answered ·




Hi Kev,

Not sure if these help. These are all I have at the moment


1683482272568.png (217.8 KiB)
1683482299071.png (301.6 KiB)
1683482365785.png (307.1 KiB)
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frenzy avatar image
frenzy answered ·

As you can see from the output that it’s only showing 10.5 volts . I have switched off the charger and tested the battery and that’s what it is showing 10.5 volts .

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frenzy avatar image
frenzy answered ·

Or can someone point me to the right settings I should be using on the app.

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senol avatar image
senol answered ·

Hi frenzy, have you found the solution? cause i'm also struggling with similar situation.

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leonie avatar image
leonie answered ·

Hey, same problem over here! My Output won't go higher than 12,3V even though my settings are way higher… Can't figure anything out & would be sooo happy about some help.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Sorry, lost track of this.

@leonie please post screen shots of your settings and the first screen shown in Victron Connect.

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leonie avatar image
leonie answered ·

hey @kevgermany,

here are the screenshots in battery charger mode:



from your username, I suspect you're german. maybe you can have a look at my thread with more informations:

img-0983.png (436.3 KiB)
img-0980.png (156.7 KiB)
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