
daver-1 avatar image
daver-1 asked

Pylontech force L2 or US series

I am thinking about a new setup.

It would be a singe phase multiplus II 48/5000 with a EM-24 meter with fase-compensation and some mppt's all controlled by a cerbo gx.

When choosing the battery i was thinking of the pylontech US or force L2 batteries. Is there any reason to choose one type over the other?

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2 Answers
sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

Force 2 look much nicer in a domestic setting as the connections between the modules are all internal and made automatically when you stack them up.

AFAIR they are similar internally so the perfomance is similar too.

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Delta Victor avatar image
Delta Victor answered ·

One thing to keep in mind, is the maximum power drain of the Force BMS. It's designed and fused for max 125A. So for a larger system you will need to paralel connect multiple stacks.

For the rest i find the Force series easier to setup, and it is possible to put them outside. If you calculatie what time it takes and the extra's you will need for a proper setup with the US series, i think prize-wise the force series wins.

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