
evogress avatar image
evogress asked

ESS and PV Inverter Support Assistants - setting frequency below 50.00 Hz

Gday Victron! We have an off-grid system based on a free-piston Stirling engine and generating fixed power of 1 kW. Excess power of the engine could be fully dissipated on a braking resistor by custom-made current controller capable to detect frequency shifting. This combo replicates exact behaviour of a 1 kW PV inverter. However, due to the mechanical design of the engine, it could work only in the narrow mains frequency range from 49.50 Hz to 50.50 Hz. To give current controller maximum resolution (5050 – 4950 = 100 counts) for precise current control, we have to put the following settings inside Victron inverter:


However, this is not possible and an error message pops-up. Is there any chance that such feature could be added in future updates of ESS and PV Inverter Support assistants?

Thank you!

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1 Answer
evogress avatar image
evogress answered ·

Bumping up

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