
endriko avatar image
endriko asked

Load from one or two MPPT 75/15 solar controllers?


Equipment I already have:

160W 12V solar panel

275W 24V solar panel

210ah 12V gel battery

Two Victron BlueSolar MPPT 75/15 charge controllers

Planning to connect one solar panel to one controller and the other solar panel to the second controller and then both controllers to the same battery.

My question is: should I connect all my loads to one controller only or can I connect some loads to first controller and some to the second? These controllers have max 15A loads and I wonder if I can connect more than that to two of them? For example 12A load to one controller and 14A load to the second?

Will the two controllers still be able to monitor the battery state and charge it properly simultaneously?

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1 Answer
Rob Fijn avatar image
Rob Fijn answered ·

Hello Endriko,

Yes, you can connect the MPPTs in parallel on the battery, each will work fine.

In your case it would be best to use a Battery Protect on your battery and then go to your loads. And do not use the LOAD output on the MPPT.
However it does work the way you suggested, it is as simple as that.

The advantage is the same as using a Battery Protect, as this will protect your battery in case the voltage becomes to low. (it will disconnect the load)

It is advice not to mix different solar panels, this is not the right way to do this.

if you still would use all three Solar Panels, best is to use a thirt MPPT.

Best regards,


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