
fawis avatar image
fawis asked

How can I restrict the charging function of the OrionTR at sub-zero temperatures?

I have an OrionTR Smart in operation at our camper and switch the access via D+. So when the engine is running, the B2B charger also charges our LIFEPO4 battery.

However, this does not have a temperature cut-off for charging at sub-zero temperatures. With other Victron components (solar charger or Multiplus), the charging function can only be enabled in the configuration from a minimum temperature. Not with the Orion, however.

Does anyone have any idea how I can implement this in a sensible way?

Many thanks!

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@fawis if you have a BMV712 you can use a temp sensor along with the relay as a thermostat. Wire the relay across the Orion's remote port to disable charging below the set temp.

Another option would be to wire a 5c NO thermal switch, or perhaps an old fashioned fridge thermostat, across the Orion's remote. JB weld the switch/bulb to the battery case. Somewhat risky/variable though.

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