
peterbos avatar image
peterbos asked

Orion-Tr Smart cable length

Simple question. The manual suggests the Orion-Tr Smart DC/DC charger (mine is a 12|12-30) should be nearer to the auxiliary battery then to the car battery. But is it necessary or can I put the Orion next to the battery at about 5 meters?

orion-tr smart
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3 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

I'm curious where you see in the manual that it should be closer to the auxiliary battery? Generally speaking I'd argue the reverse would be true - there's higher current and lower voltage on the input side, so circuit length should be minimized on the input side more than the output side.

That said, your proposed 5m distance = 10m round-trip distance, which would require rather exorbitantly oversized cabling to combat voltage drop over such a long circuit, so the ideal position is definitely centered between the two batteries if not justified slightly toward the start battery.

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Sarah avatar image Sarah commented ·
I always assumed having the charger as close to ‘auxiliary’ battery was to ensure that the voltage losses on the charging side were minimised as the charger is unable to compensate for any loss in the cables (ensures charger output voltage is as close to battery voltage as possible).
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ Sarah commented ·
Yes, but it will compensate for input losses. So this makes more sense to me.
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peterbos avatar image
peterbos answered ·

This picture:

But when I looked up the picture I noticed the answer is in the text (4.1): "Mount close to the battery, but never directly above the battery (in order to prevent damage due to gassing of the battery)." I have a old-style alternator so the voltage is always high when the engine is running.

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Carl avatar image
Carl answered ·

I have my Orion about 1,6m from by carbattery and then 4,5m to the lithium battery it charge...

Works fine for me, dont have any problem at all.

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