
silvester avatar image
silvester asked

Temperature protection by Solar smart charger

I have 5 SmartSolar MPPT with Colour controller. My ambient temperature is almost 40C

Today i went to inspect them with me Flir Temp gun.

I saw that one of the chargers is getting up to 95 celsius and was still working.

I went on datasheet of the smart charger i see they operate between -30 to 60C.

Also i noticed that they have over temperature protection.My question is when is this temperature protection activate??

what can be the problem be!!?

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1 Answer
Dave van Dongen avatar image
Dave van Dongen answered ·

I also had one of my MPPT 75/15's overheat once. It's in my camper, below near the clutch pedal. I started to smell a burned electronics smell while driving. I pulled over to smell where it was coming from and it was clearly the MPPT. It was way too hot to be touched, so I guess also way above 60 degrees. I turns the air flow of the car to blow colder air over the controller and the smell dissapeared. The controller is still working until this day, but I would say it took a hit, so this actually surprised me. And this leaves me with the same question. How can it overheat???

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